Professional Development
Professional development is a continuous process, the acquisition of personal skills, and changes in one's personality during it. Professional development has no age or chronological limits, so it is available for both children and adults. In this way, as you read, learn new information from various Internet site for example 123helpme.org, watch video and learn new skills, you develop.
An Overview of Reading Comprehension Instruction, Past and Present
This PowerPoint presentation on comprehension instruction is one of a series of presentations and workshops for teachers produced by Literacy Leaders as part of NREA coursework (Note: these workshops are copyrighted by NREA and the authors. You are welcome to use/adapt them to your school under two conditions: a) that you give credit to the author, and b) that you return a copy of improved/adapted versions of the workshop to the NREA in care of Joan Taylor ([email protected]).
Approaches to Professional Development
Typical inservice models of professional staff development are the training model and the reflective practice model. Outcomes for both models are suggested.
Best Practices Programs
Various approaches to the teaching of reading, all considered best practice in literacy teaching and learning, include Project READ, The Kamehameha Early Education Program, Follow Through, Reading Recovery, and SRA/Open Court Reading. This piece is part of a larger NCREL publication entitled Professional Development for Teachers of Reading (2001) by Peggy A.
Coaching and Mentoring
Three programs of coaching and mentoring are currently found in school settings. These include peer coaching, building resource teachers, and the Success For All program.
Comprehension--A Framework for Literacy
This PowerPoint presentation on comprehension is one of a series of presentations and workshops for teachers produced by Literacy Leaders as part of NREA coursework (Note: these workshops are copyrighted by NREA and the authors. You are welcome to use/adapt them to your school under two conditions: a) that you give credit to the author, and b) that you return a copy of improved/adapted versions of the workshop to the NREA in care of Joan Taylor ([email protected]).
Comprehension: Instruction and Assessment
This PowerPoint presentation on comprehension instruction and assessment is one of a series of presentations and workshops for teachers produced by Literacy Leaders as part of NREA coursework (Note: these workshops are copyrighted by NREA and the authors. You are welcome to use/adapt them to your school under two conditions: a) that you give credit to the author, and b) that you return a copy of improved/adapted versions of the workshop to the NREA in care of Joan Taylor ([email protected]).
Early Childhood and Parenting Collaborative
This collaborative includes the Information Technology Group (ECAP/ITG) and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Website includes a link to the former ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education (ERIC/EECE)
Edvantia (Formerly Applachia Educational Laboratory)
Edvantia is an education research and development not-for-profit corporation founded in 1966. Edvantia partners with educators, agencies, publishers, and service providers to improve learning and advance student success.
Effective Comprehension Instruction
A powerpoint presentation for Nevada Reading First, January, 2004, by Nell Duke , Michigan State University.
Fluency Workshop
This workshop on fluency is one of a series of presentations and workshops for teachers produced by Literacy Leaders as part of NREA coursework (Note: these workshops are copyrighted by NREA and the authors. You are welcome to use/adapt them to your school under two conditions: a) that you give credit to the author, and b) that you return a copy of improved/adapted versions of the workshop to the NREA in care of Joan Taylor ([email protected]).
History of Professional Development in Reading Instruction
Focus is given to the role of the teacher, the nature of literacy instruction, and the nature of professional development from 1800 through the beginning of the 21st century. Links to reports and articles on expertise in teaching reading are included.
International Reading Association
This resource is referenced on page 12 of the following text: Barone, D., Hardman, D., & Taylor, J. (2006).
Mid-continent Regional Educational Laboratory in Aurora, CO
2. The McREL website contains links to the following topics: Assessment/Accountability/Data Use; Curriculum; Diversity; Early Childhood Education; Technology Instruction; Leadership & Organization Development; Literacy; Mathematics; Professional Development; Rural Education; School Improvement and Reform; Science; Standards; and Teacher Preparation and Retention.
North Central Regional Educational Laboratory in Oak Brook, IL
Resources include topics of After School Programs, Data Use, Literacy, Mathematics and Science, No Child Left Behind, Pathways to School Improvement, Policy and Networks, Professional Development, School Improvement, Teacher Quality, and Technology in Education.
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory in Portland, OR
Topical categories and links include Administration and Management, Community and Family, Educational Reform, and Teaching and Learning. A search tool is also available in this site.
Pacific Resources for Education and Learning in Honolulu, HI
Pacific Resources for Education and Learning (PREL) is an independent, nonprofit corporation that serves the educational community in the U.S.-affiliated Pacific islands, the continental United States, and countries throughout the world. In addition to resources and products, links are provided to three of PREL’s centers—the Center for Learning and Teaching; the Center for Information, Communications, and Technology; and the Center for Accountability, Research, and Evaluation.
Professional Development
The National Staff Development Council (NSDC) is the largest non-profit professional association committed to ensuring success for all students through staff development and school improvement. The Standards section in this website includes ideas and additional resources on learning communities, leadership, collaboration skills, family involvement, and quality teaching.
Professional Development Policies
This article highlights goals, characteristics, gaps, future directions, and federal leadership related to professional development. An appendix to this piece includes guidelines from the U.S.
Professional Resource Recommendations
Dr. Frank Serafini, children's literature professor at UNLV, has recommended the professional resources that he has found most useful to him as a teacher of reading.
ReadWriteThink is a partnership between the International Reading Association (IRA), the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), and the MarcoPolo Education Foundation. NCTE and IRA strive to provide educators and students with access to the highest quality practices and resources in reading and language arts instruction through free, Internet-based content.This website contains links to lessons, standards, other web resources, and student materials.
Reading First Website
This resource is referenced on page 13 of the following text: Barone, D., Hardman, D., & Taylor, J. (2006).
Role of the NREA Literacy Specialist
For this final class project, two students in the Nevada Reading Excellence Act Master�s Cohort developed a PowerPoint presentation on their roles as Nevada Reading Excellence Act Literacy Specialists. �Upon completion of this project we feel prepared the next time we are asked to give a presentation.
SouthEastern Regional Vision for Education at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro
SERVE is part of a larger system of governmental agencies that offer resources intended to help schools and districts with the hard work they are called on to do every day. Within each topic area, there will also be links to organization websites that have specific information for that particular topic.
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory in Austin, TX
During recent years, SEDL has helped states, districts, and schools meet the challenges presented by the No Child Left Behind Act using a mix of professional development, strategies, and resources. Links to Reading First support materials are included in the Programs and Projects section.
Teacher Motivation
This PowerPoint presentation on teacher motivation is one of a series of presentations and workshops for teachers produced by Literacy Leaders as part of NREA coursework (Note: these workshops are copyrighted by NREA and the authors. You are welcome to use/adapt them to your school under two conditions: a) that you give credit to the author, and b) that you return a copy of improved/adapted versions of the workshop to the NREA in care of Joan Taylor ([email protected]).
Teacher Workshops
Teacher Workshops offer classroom teachers a free opportunity to participate in high-quality professional development designed to provide the classroom support, technical assistance, and increased collaboration needed to assure academic success for all students. Participants will share instructional strategies with prominent teachers from around the country in each content area and for each grade level.
Teaching Reading K-2: A Library of Classroom Practices
This website shares some ways to move students through connected text besides Round Robin. In the video clip “Connecting Skills to Text,” we see Ms.
The Evolving Role of the Literacy Specialist
In conjunction with the Nevada Reading Excellence Act (NREA), members of the Grant Advisory Committee conducted research on various aspects of the grant’s implementation and effectiveness. Because of his previous experiences as a literacy specialist in elementary classrooms, the author chose to focus his research on the role of the literacy specialist during the NREA grant.
Unlocking the Key to Reading: Comprehension
This PowerPoint presentation on comprehension is one of a series of presentations and workshops for teachers produced by Literacy Leaders as part of NREA coursework (Note: these workshops are copyrighted by NREA and the authors. You are welcome to use/adapt them to your school under two conditions: a) that you give credit to the author, and b) that you return a copy of improved/adapted versions of the workshop to the NREA in care of Joan Taylor ([email protected]).
Urgency and Instructional Time
IRA also published an article by Richard Allington about the urgency of instructional time. This is brief and powerful article about making every instructional minute count.
This site contains interactive grade level puzzles and word activities to support vocabulary development. Material starts at junior high/middle school level, but would be valuable for teachers to use to enhance their own vocabulary knowledge.
Vocabulary Development
This PowerPoint presentation on vocabulary development is one of a series of presentations and workshops for teachers produced by Literacy Leaders as part of NREA coursework (Note: these workshops are copyrighted by NREA and the authors. You are welcome to use/adapt them to your school under two conditions: a) that you give credit to the author, and b) that you return a copy of improved/adapted versions of the workshop to the NREA in care of Joan Taylor ([email protected]).
Vocabulary Instruction--Power Point
This PowerPoint presentation on vocabulary instruction is one of a series of presentations and workshops for teachers produced by Literacy Leaders as part of NREA coursework (Note: these workshops are copyrighted by NREA and the authors. You are welcome to use/adapt them to your school under two conditions: a) that you give credit to the author, and b) that you return a copy of improved/adapted versions of the workshop to the NREA in care of Joan Taylor ([email protected]).
Vocabulary University
This site contains many word building activities including Fill-in-the-Blanks, Definition Match, Synonym & Antonym Encounters, Crosswords, Word Finds, True/False and Word Stories.
WestEd Laboratory for Educational Research and Development in San Francisco, CA
WestEd has a commitment to improving learning at all stages of life, both in and out of school settings. Their purpose is success for every learner.